Entries by alaradesigns@gmail.com

Lions & Tigers & Bears , Oh My…..

Oh my giddy aunt, Ye gods and little fishes etc etc. What a perfectly ghastly week. I can’t believe I survived it. Yesterday for example, I had two meetings, one took 40 minutes, the other 20 minutes. Total travel time, 8½ hours. No, that was not a typo. Maximum distance of each journey from my […]

Machiavelli Mi Amore

BREXIT- the gift that just keeps on giving. First of all, the bankers, Treasury, and financial ‘experts’ took an Olympic-sized bath by betting on a catastrophic crash, wrongly as usual. You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. Then we had the people asking for a 2nd, 3rd, 87th referendum- in fact, a Neverendum: […]

Chicken Licken Strikes Again

Well, we’re 2 for 2 at AlaraApothecary. We called the last election right despite the interesting opinion polls, and we called the result for Brexit right as well. AlaraApothecary– we’ve got a rose-scented finger on the national pulse. Obviously only a fool would alienate roughly half his/her potential clients by contributing to the craziness that […]

Well, did you evah?

   I am currently living in the ‘inbetween’ times; waiting for one thing to finish and another to begin. I’m not even remotely any good at patience– shades of a bird carooming around a cage, let me out, let me out. “In returning and rest shall you be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall […]

In my heart, it’s spring

Apologies to my dear readers for dropping out of sight for a while. I have been busy juggling invoices and chasing up payments. Apparently, the concept of paying people after they have supplied you with goods or services is one that is alien to some companies, as any SME owner can attest. I actually stopped […]