Beyond Parody

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A week of absurdities. First off the mark is the revered, indeed reverend Tony Blair informing us that he is ready to get back into politics, planning his comeback as an ‘insurgent’, to right all the wrongs which have accumulated since his much-lamented departure. I fear that reality and Tony are now complete strangers. However, looking at the tip-top job he has done as Middle East Peace Envoy, making the whole region so peaceful and utopian, it’s everyone’s first choice for a holiday spot, I can only say, ‘You’ve got my vote, Tony. Your people need you!’ Those whom the gods would destroy……

Much less amusing was the announcement that £370 million has been allocated for repairs to Buckingham Palace in the week when a 36-year old homeless man froze to death on the street in Birmingham. Of course the richest, most pampered family in the land should have its plumbing fixed by the general public. Scraping by on a meagre £40,000,000 a year, who can afford to fix the roof? Luckily, there are countless people living lives of unremitting luxury on £20,000 per family who are thrilled to give generously at this time of need. That’s the Christian principle in a nutshell – take from the poor and give to the rich. It’s what Baby Jesus would have wanted.

Elsewhere, I have been surrounded by anarchists this week. There was the fellow churchgoer (a pillar of the AV system team 🙂 ) causing havoc as my poor vicar tried to expatiate on the message of Christingle. Asked what the shape of the orange which symbolises the world was, she replied ‘Square’. Then there was the memo from a cabinet meeting between the PM Theresa May, and the cabinet secretary Jeremy Heywood, stating that there were too many leaks from cabinet meetings and laying out the dire consequences for anyone who dared to leak anything in the future – starting with the sack, tarring and feathering, before the culprit is hanged, drawn and quartered. The security forces i.e MI5, MI6 etc etc would be watching everyone like a hawk, downloading their emails and phone logs etc etc. Eek! You guessed it – someone promptly leaked the letter to the papers 🙂 I am an anar-chist! It warms the cockles of the heart to see such subversive behaviour in high places. Maybe we aren’t quite ready to be twinned with North Korea yet…..

I leave you with a couple of gloomy poems which always make me smile. The first was written by the incomparable Dorothy Parker:


Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
The second is by Stevie Smith:
To an American Publisher
You say I must write another book? But I’ve just written this one.
You liked it so much that’s the reason? Read it again then.
Have a fabulous week, one and all.







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