Kermit the Frog had that right. My favourite story of the week? The plastic-munching Coral. Scientists have discovered that the coral in the Pacific reefs, far from dying out rapidly due to pollution of the seas with plastic microbeads, have shown a preference for the wretched stuff as they appear to love its taste. They have discovered that these delinquent creatures will ignore their usual food and feed on plastic if given the choice. Coral, Coral, Quite Contrary. Poor eco-warriors have a very heavy cross to bear; you’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. They keep trying to save the earth, and the ungrateful earth keeps thwarting their efforts. My all-time best eco story is from a few years back when Camden Council decided that what with the purported global warming imminently turning Europe into a desert, they would plant olive trees right across the borough in anticipation of the coming Negev-type conditions. What happened next? It snowed for a week, and then rained for six solid weeks. I am sorry to report that the olive trees did not survive. And people say that God has no sense of humour 🙂
Anyways, the poor scientists are now trying to find a way to make plastic less palatable to the coral-palate. Personally, I’m all for banning plastic wrapping from all supermarket food, and we ought to be using only paper and cloth bags. American supermarkets manage to supply paper bags, why can’t we? I have a new theory which might help. It came to me in the bath, as happens with many great (some say insane, but what do they know?) theories do. I wonder if all matter is made from light, and that you get solid material if you slow photons down enough. This actually works really well with the Creation story, “Let there be light, and there was light” It’s the reason why light was produced first; everything else was made from light. Unfortunately, my theory cannot be tested unless you can find a divine being who is willing to co-operate. The converse may be feasible though. Where am I going with this? Well, if it is true, it means that if you can move matter e.g waste materials, fast enough, you can disintegrate it and perhaps transmute the atoms into something useful. It’s just a matter of finding the right resonance and speed. How cool would that be? It’s not that far out; after all, the right sound waves can break glass and damage steel. Dopey alchemists, never mind the philosopher’s stone. They should have been studying quantum mechanics instead.
The cool picture above? It’s of an orchard in Tipperary. The morning after that storm last week, they went to survey the damage and found that pretty much all the apples had fallen from the trees and were laid out neatly in layers with minimal damage. Amazing. I hope they found work for all the pickers who are now not required anymore though. As the saying goes, it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
In the design world, we have the sublime and the ridiculous, as usual. I really like David Uzochukwu’s picture which is on display at AKKA fair in Paris, 10-12 November. It reminds me of an old favourite, Steven Meisel’s photo of Coco Rocha as shown below. Similar idea, totally different vibes. Genius.

And the ridiculous? Montblanc’s $1.8million pen, created as a tribute to Hannibal. No, not Lecter! The Carthaginian general. They have also dedicated it to Baal, adding that satanic touch that every writing implement needs.

You may think I’m going to be snooty about the cost, but not I. If Montblanc can persuade some fool to give them 2 million bucks in exchange for a pen, maximum kudos to them so long as the fool is spending his own money. Yes, His. No woman alive would spend 2 million quid on a pen, and no, please don’t write in 🙂 My favourite bit? The blurb going on about how the elephant is covered with hand-set diamonds. Well, why didn’t ya say so at once? Cheque or cash? Y’all have a terrific weekend now.
La Dolce Vita
Been doing some major sightseeing, mostly by walking everywhere. I think you get a better feel of a place by walking and seeing what the locals are up to. Plus, I like burnishing my map-reading skills. Google maps you say? Pah!, we’ll see how good that is when you get led through the Tiber rather than across a bridge. I’m staying in the historic centre so everything I wish to see is within half an hour’s walk at my snail pace. The most astonishing sight? Easy. Walking down a narrow alley, turning right and coming slap-bang across the Trevi Fountain. It’s so unexpected and incredible. It’s exactly how I felt when I came out of the train station in Venice and in front of me, water as far as the eye could see. Extremely cool.
I walked to the incredibly badly signposted Vatican. In fact, the whole of Rome could do with better signage. I was astounded by the first thing I saw, the sphere in the Vatican courtyard. What is that unholy thing doing here, I asked myself. Answer came none, but it gave me the heebie-jeebies. I did a total swerve around it; I can’t believe people were taking their pictures there, totally oblivious. I wouldn’t approach that thing without a flask of holy water while liberally festooned with garlic bulbs. Cripes, not a good start. The museum itself was pretty good although there is a fair amount of what I call ‘indifferent art’ bulking up the good stuff. Stand outs? The Carta Geografica paintings by Ignazio Danti and the amazing ceiling that stretches out in a perfect illustration of the effect of perspective. Incredible. I also really liked the tapestries based on Raffaelo’s cartoons (check them out, the cartoons are in London at the V&A. Take a torch :-)). I think they are some of his best works and the competition with Michelangelo seems to have brought out the best in him.
But, where’s the beef? The Sistine Chapel. This was approached down the dingiest passageways and stairs I saw in the whole Vatican but it only made the contrast to the works even more outstanding. That Michelangelo, eh? What a lad. I walked into this room and my mouth dropped open despite the fact that I’ve seen a gazillion pictures of the works. I was first stunned into silence and then I just had to smile. The superlative talent that went into that room is never going to be equalled in one spot anywhere else on this planet, never, ever. And it’s not just Michelangelo; the other finished works in the room by Perugino, Botticelli, Roselli, Ghirlandaio and Pinturrichio are just as wonderful. I never expected that. I only expected the ceiling. Imagine him standing there with very limited ability to zoom in or out to check perspective, painting that ceiling and feuding with the pope in his spare time, for four years. Ten minutes of craning my neck to look at the ceiling did my back in. Stupendous. It did make me think though. Are crowds going to shuffle through a museum in 500 years’ time, looking in wonder at Damien Hirst’s spot paintings or Rachel Whiteread’s houses, or Tracey Emin’s unmade bed? Will we have a human race that has become so infantilised, it will walk through rooms looking at neon signs and primary-coloured polka dots, and be awestruck? I hope not. Of course Tracey & Damien etc are excellent artists in that they perfectly reflect the debased state of our society. A society from which the ineffable and the sublime have been removed will produce exactly what we see now, so I greatly admire them for getting the joke and reflecting us back to ourselves. Damn shame though, just the same. Too much man, not enough God, and the end result? A very, small, insignificant speck of dust that is not the image of anything.
As if to emphasise that, the room adjacent to the gallery was showing a great collection of miniature oil lamps and random pieces of bronze. From the sublime to the ridiculous. I had to laugh as I looked at this tat. Have you ever been in a museum and thought to yourself, ‘what a load of old tat!’ It happens to me all the time. Note to museums – just because it’s old, it doesn’t mean it’s good. Put that rubbish in a provincial car boot sale and no one would touch it. And it’s not because they’re ignorant. It’s because they know tat when they see it and aren’t too pretentious to call it what it is. There’s a good reason that stuff wasn’t put in a pharaoh’s tomb; it’s ye olde ancient egyptian poundland artifact 🙂 So, all in all, a pretty good day. Plus, I got to see a copy of the Pieta which is my second favourite sculpture after the Nike of Samothrace (this week, anyway). The Sistine Chapel. You’ve got to see it at least once before you die, and then go out and do just one superlative thing so we can tell you passed this way.
Photos: Pieta by Michelangelo; Carta Geografica ceiling, Vatican; Resurrected Christ by Rafaello; View of Basilica San Pietro from the Vatican.
La Bella Roma
Dear readers, I am sorry that I have neglected you in a shameful fashion but I have been sunning myself in Rome. I couldn’t take the wretched cold one more minute so I managed to wangle a work/birthday/inspiration trip to Rome instead. It was glorious – it was warm and sunny and italian. From the minute the airport-to-hotel shuttle finally turned up after I’d been liberally suffocated by cigarette smoke (Italians still smoke like the dickens. Extraordinary.), I knew I was going to have a good time. Our driver seemed to have the most cursory knowledge of Rome itself, and once he’d started muttering ‘Dio mio‘ which he helpfully translated for us while putting postcodes in his phone satnav, I settled in for a convoluted journey. I was the second drop-off and he couldn’t seem to find a way to get to the hotel. In fairness to him, we were going down increasingly narrowed roads which seemed to have been recently designated as one-way/blocked off/dug-up. In the end, he stopped in a road, lovingly handed me my luggage and began gesticulating, ‘a destra, a destra, continua, a destra, numero tirty-tree. Tree, tree.’ ‘Ah, numero trentatre’, I murmured, trying to be helpful. Big smile, ‘Si, bene. Arriverdeci’ And just like that, I was in Italy. He might have been a wonderfully incompetent driver, but I liked the way his pride in ‘La Patria’ meant that even hearing a few words of italian from a foreigner cheered him up. I can only hope he isn’t picking me up for my return flight. Madre mio 🙂
I finally arrived at the hotel and it was pretty swanky. I knew that I was punching heavily above my weight when I walked down the road and saw not one, but two Chanel shops on my street. I can only assume they have a back-up in case, catastrophe of catastrophes, one burns down. Imagine a street with no branch of Chanel! Unthinkable. The shops on Via Condotti were amazing but I preferred those on Via del Babuino. It was excellent because everything was so outrageously expensive and out of reach that I could just kickback and admire the workmanship. It’s when I can almost afford the stuff that I pine; this stuff was way out of my league.
It was really warm, and I had the Spanish Steps pretty much to myself, it being nearly midnight. I love wandering around cities late at night; they have a totally different vibe. There was a warm and friendly trattoria a few doors away, and I was fussed about and cossetted like a princess. My waiter called me ‘beautiful girl’ every time he addressed me, and said that I was prettier than my carpaccio con arugula e parmigiano. You gourmands out there know that is very pretty indeed. They fed me osso buco a la romana and I drank a pichet of wine by myself, well, most of it. I realise that in these heated times, I ought to have denounced the waiter for his inappropriate remarks. I have let the sisterhood down, mea maxima culpa. I’m afraid I found it cheery and amusing, especially since I haven’t been called ‘a girl’ for 30 years or so. Plus, they forgot to charge me for the carpaccio and then decided to let me off the €15 as a pretty-girl discount. This intolerable sexism was inexcusable, but 15 bucks is 15 bucks. Reader, I left them a hefty tip and exited the restaurant with a big smile and a slightly drunken lilt. Rome, I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
Photos: Beauteous bag on Via del Babuino; Bulgari set. Favourite type of jewellery, looks like boiled sweets. Plus, love the mini Fiat; view of Rome from the Vatican; Tiber, Tiber, burning bright. See that shiny thing in the sky? It’s the sun; Piazza Spagna in all its madness.
It Ain’t Easy Being Green
Kermit the Frog had that right. My favourite story of the week? The plastic-munching Coral. Scientists have discovered that the coral in the Pacific reefs, far from dying out rapidly due to pollution of the seas with plastic microbeads, have shown a preference for the wretched stuff as they appear to love its taste. They have discovered that these delinquent creatures will ignore their usual food and feed on plastic if given the choice. Coral, Coral, Quite Contrary. Poor eco-warriors have a very heavy cross to bear; you’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. They keep trying to save the earth, and the ungrateful earth keeps thwarting their efforts. My all-time best eco story is from a few years back when Camden Council decided that what with the purported global warming imminently turning Europe into a desert, they would plant olive trees right across the borough in anticipation of the coming Negev-type conditions. What happened next? It snowed for a week, and then rained for six solid weeks. I am sorry to report that the olive trees did not survive. And people say that God has no sense of humour 🙂
Anyways, the poor scientists are now trying to find a way to make plastic less palatable to the coral-palate. Personally, I’m all for banning plastic wrapping from all supermarket food, and we ought to be using only paper and cloth bags. American supermarkets manage to supply paper bags, why can’t we? I have a new theory which might help. It came to me in the bath, as happens with many great (some say insane, but what do they know?) theories do. I wonder if all matter is made from light, and that you get solid material if you slow photons down enough. This actually works really well with the Creation story, “Let there be light, and there was light” It’s the reason why light was produced first; everything else was made from light. Unfortunately, my theory cannot be tested unless you can find a divine being who is willing to co-operate. The converse may be feasible though. Where am I going with this? Well, if it is true, it means that if you can move matter e.g waste materials, fast enough, you can disintegrate it and perhaps transmute the atoms into something useful. It’s just a matter of finding the right resonance and speed. How cool would that be? It’s not that far out; after all, the right sound waves can break glass and damage steel. Dopey alchemists, never mind the philosopher’s stone. They should have been studying quantum mechanics instead.
The cool picture above? It’s of an orchard in Tipperary. The morning after that storm last week, they went to survey the damage and found that pretty much all the apples had fallen from the trees and were laid out neatly in layers with minimal damage. Amazing. I hope they found work for all the pickers who are now not required anymore though. As the saying goes, it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
In the design world, we have the sublime and the ridiculous, as usual. I really like David Uzochukwu’s picture which is on display at AKKA fair in Paris, 10-12 November. It reminds me of an old favourite, Steven Meisel’s photo of Coco Rocha as shown below. Similar idea, totally different vibes. Genius.
And the ridiculous? Montblanc’s $1.8million pen, created as a tribute to Hannibal. No, not Lecter! The Carthaginian general. They have also dedicated it to Baal, adding that satanic touch that every writing implement needs.
You may think I’m going to be snooty about the cost, but not I. If Montblanc can persuade some fool to give them 2 million bucks in exchange for a pen, maximum kudos to them so long as the fool is spending his own money. Yes, His. No woman alive would spend 2 million quid on a pen, and no, please don’t write in 🙂 My favourite bit? The blurb going on about how the elephant is covered with hand-set diamonds. Well, why didn’t ya say so at once? Cheque or cash? Y’all have a terrific weekend now.
By The Pricking Of My Thumbs
A perfectly sunny, glorious London Sunday. Just when we had all given up on the weather for this year. England, England, quite contrary. I was staying in Twickenham which I now realise was a big mistake. Have you ever been to a place that gives you the heebie-jeebies? The last time it happened to me was when I visited Edinburgh Castle– that place has some seriously bad aura, fo’reals. Weird thing was, I know Twickenham quite well, I even worked there on occasion; but from the minute I left the London Road roundabout, I just became really uneasy. I’m a bit fey anyway so I tend to ignore my more dramatic reactions. I only really paid attention when I was leaving on Sunday and I realised as I fled to good ole Chiswick that it was like escaping from under a thundercloud. Poor Twickenham, now twinned with Salem as far as I’m concerned.
To shake off this weird mood, I spent the afternoon faffing around at the V&A. I love that museum; it’s like a giant souk. I discovered that there is a copy of Michelangelo’s David at the V&A. Who knew? I’ve been there a gazillion times and never come across it. That’s one of the reasons it’s a firm favourite. By the by, The Raphael Cartoons. I’m sure they’re lovely, but who can tell? The blasted museum exhibits them in a stygian gloom. Yes, I know they are susceptible to light damage, but come on! I have a theory that the are photocopies, some villain at the museum having had it away on his or her toes with the originals, flogging them down the Roman Road for a pony each 🙂 V&A, this is your final warning- it’s the 21st century, surely technology can supply suitable lamps now. The next time I come round, I’m bringing candles, and it will probably not end well…. Oh, and while we are on the subject, the food in Harrods Food Hall is cheaper than that at the V&A cafe. Profiteering much? A fillet of blackened cod with a few mango slices on top for £11.50. Cor, double blimey. Harrods sells a whole citrus-baked sea bream with fennel for £10. I go to fish markets, I know how much a whole cod costs, and how many fillets you can cut from one fish. And I’m paying retail, not wholesale! If you’re going to charge £25 for an indifferent plate of cold fish and some veg, it’d better not be in a self-service restaurant with plastic cutlery. Unbelievable.
Newest discoveries: Master of St.Severin’s stained glass including this all-too realistic depiction of The Raising Of Lazarus, I’m a sucker for stained glass; The Plywood exhibition which was fab, and featured one of my favourites, Sanagi’s Butterfly stool; Andrea della Robbia’s altarpiece; and best of all, Mino da Fiesole’s bust of Cosimo de Medici. I know “There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face”, but the artist was spot on about ye olde tough guy Cosimo. Still, one may smile and smile and be a villain; better a Cosimo that you can see coming than the smiling assassins you never see wielding the knife, as Don Corleone never said. See, I’m all about the Shakespeare this week. Y’all have a nice week now, as Billy Boy would have said if he came from Tennessee. Oh, and the flowers? Given to me by a lovely patient AFTER I’d administered her flu jab on Friday. Is that wonderful, or what? She totally improved a really difficult week 1000%. God bless you, Margaret, you’re so cool, you’re frosty.
Wonder, Wonder, Wonder, Wonder….
So, I’ve been having root canal on my one and only filling. My dentist got so excited by the fact that I have only one filling that I became rather worried….. but that’s a story for another day 🙂 Anyhoo, it has been fascinating. I love everything about it, from the snazzy dental instruments that would come in handy if I ever had to torture someone, to the X-Rays. I want, no, need, an ultrasonic descaler. My dentist assures me that I can buy a portable one. It would seem that we both have issues. The X-Rays are my absolute favourite; I don’t care about the radiation, I love them. Ideally I would like a CT scan AND an MRI scan, but the partypooper dentist insists they are not in her remit. Boo! Hiss!! This kind of stuff is why I studied science in the first place. You have no idea how incredible the human body is, and as for plants, they totally blow my mind.
I was reading about DNA this week, and the author says that DNA strands sparkle like a string of diamonds when viewed under an electron telescope. Obvs, I need to see that for myself at least once before I pop my clogs. I don’t understand how it is possible to look at the world and not see a Creator, in the same way that an atheist cannot understand how I can possibly believe in a creator. But, I’m a designer, I see design everywhere, and I know how difficult creativity can be to harness. To believe it’s all down to chance and good luck? Let’s just say that you’ve obviously never tried to design anything from scratch! The sheer extravagant exuberance of the world makes my head spin. 300,000 species of beetles alone. Why? Why not! After the first 100, God basically just started showing off 🙂
The amazing images above are all bona fide microscopic images of : skin cells stained for DNA; synaptic transmission of impulses in brain cells; chromosomes (we have 23 pairs of these in every single cell in our bodies except for the reproductive cells. There are approximately 37.2 trillion cells in each human body. I love that .2 37,200,000,000,000) ; the transport system in every plant; that beautiful DNA strand.
Now, is that mental, or what? All this stuff is around us and we can’t see any of it with the naked eye. Plus, there is a quantum level that we can barely detect yet, even with our best technology so God only knows what’s going on there. I am in absolute awe when I think of how wonderfully made we all are. Now, if I could only remember that when someone cuts me up in traffic, I would be a much better person….. Have a week filled with wonder and awe, as opposed to shock and awe. Pip pip, my fellow glorious creatures.