Brave New World

They actually really did. I never thought I’d see the day when the rule of law would be so comprehensively trampled into the ground in the UK. Of course, it’s been a long time coming but it’s still something to actually see it demonstrated so unequivocally. 412 MPs decided that the votes of 33.5 million people do not count. And yes, you do need to include those who voted to stay in the EU. If there had been a 70:30 ratio in favour of leaving or otherwise, they would still have done exactly what they’ve done to get the result they want. You may think delaying Article 50 is temporary but logic dictates that people who apparently can’t find a solution in 2 years will not find one in 3 months. What they are planning for is to completely countermand Brexit; we’ll have one crisis after another, security scares, etc etc. I’m sure you all know the playbook by now. The next time any of them pontificates about corruption in the elections of ‘developing nations’ or election fraud, I hope someone holds a great big mirror in front of their face and says’ Physician, heal thyself’

No one should be surprised at the ferocity of the battle; the fate of one of the world’s pivotal nations is in balance here. At least the veil is off now, and we can all truly glimpse that adversary finally. So, am I depressed? No, because I know that they’re about to get a salutary lesson in the ways of real power. Not the child’s play they puff themselves up with, thinking they are deciding our fates. I truly feel sorry for them. The UK is going to leave; all that’s happened is that they get a chance to cover themselves in infamy. Anyone who thinks this is a good result because they voted to stay should remember today when injustice and corruption become the status quo in this country. If your vote does not count on this occasion, why hold elections at all? The important people can just go right ahead and decide for us each time. Just think how much time, money and trouble that will save. I have not voted for any of the last five PMs but others did, we all learn to live with that. So, as they congratulate themselves tonight, I say, let them dance in the light of their fires. Let them also beware the Ides of March. Man is born free, but everywhere is in chains, to quote Rousseau who certainly knew what he was talking about. Remainer, Leaver, I pray peace, justice and freedom for us all. Have a good one.

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