Contrary? Moi?
Another glorious week in Clownworld. Quite frankly, it’s hard to choose with bit of ridunkulous revelation to satirise so I’m not even going to bother. It’s all unravelling so rapidly, it’s hard to keep up. How many ‘business meetings’ so far? Lost count. It was pretty sublime to see Labour joining the Tories so soon in the doghouse. As if they’re not two sides of the same dodgy £3 coin anyway.
The clear thread of course is that Boris Must Go. Quelle surprise. Time to find a scapegoat and throw him to the wolves, then business as usual. As if over 500 MPs right across the political spectrum did not vote for repeated lockdowns and draconian measures that were obviously useless, every single time. As if they did not all vote to re-enact the heinous Coronavirus Act, every single time. If Boris goes, they must all go, plus all their advisers, and all those who helped enfore the idiotic rules that helped to destroy families, businesses, the futures of young people, leaving 1 in 9 of the British public currently on the NHS waiting list. 1 in 9! Average age of the poor people who have unfortunately died of Covid in the last 2 years? 82 years.
So, no, let Boris stay and fix the mess he made. As I said to a friend this week, thank God for Boris! Stay with me…. He’s one of the main reasons why you’re not having to show ‘papers please’ to some Shaun-of-the-dead enforcer every time you step out to buy a pint of milk or go out to work. Because it was obvious to anyone who cared to see that Boris clearly didn’t believe any of the nonsense he spouted. That’s why all his appearances/press conferences were so tightly stage-managed. If anyone can find a single clip where Boris seemed to even remotely believe what he was saying, I’ll put it on this blog with profuse apologies. Imagine my total lack of surprise to find him larging it all the way through the lockdowns. Clearly our esteemed leaders did not believe that they were at risk of imminent demise from the ‘most dangerous virus of all time.’ His invaluable gift of utter fecklessness has saved us from becoming Australia or Austria, or God forfend, Canada or New Zealand. Zero covid, a truly brainless idea even by the subterranean standards we’re working with.
The best part? The clamour that they must all be sacked. Replace them with other idiots who are all marching to the beat of the same drum. Believe me, keeping their job is the least of their worries. Why? Because if you take a shot at the King, you’d better not miss. There is nothing we can do to these people that will come close to repaying them for the damage they’ve done worldwide but I can assure you, a reckoning is coming. Cold comfort, I know but there it is. So let Boris and Co stay and fix the mess they’ve made or it will be a case of ‘different boss, same old lies’.
Onwards and upwards, we look forward to better times. Spring will be here soon enough, other people across the world are living with lush greenery, jammy dodgers. Hope you like the pictures and remember, it’s a beautiful world filled with wonderful people. Love and peace, and have a fabulous week.

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