A rose by any other name…..

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It’s one of the funny quirks of compounding fragrances that one begins to allot certain fragrances to people one meets, in the same way that an artist sometimes sees people in hues and shades – a mild form of synaesthesia, I suppose. So, I was queueing up behind a lady at the chemist last week. She handed a prescription to the shop assistant and asked how long it would take to fill. The girl told her that it would take a couple of minutes, at which point she snarled that she could not wait that long. And I thought to myself, “Titan Arum a.k.a The Carrion Flower, in this case, surrounded by thorns”. Presumably she went off to one of those magical pharmacies where they are equipped with crystal balls which enable them to dispense your prescription even before you hand it in. It could also be that she inhabits a different time-space continuum to the rest of us. Every Carrion minute is equivalent to ten Earth minutes. By the way, queueing is the only word in English that has 5 vowels in a row. Thought you’d like to know that….

Anyhoo, this got me thinking about the people I’ve been working closely with lately. There’s Carol who is a menace with her cleaning. I have resorted to ordering a Hazmat suit for when I’m with her so she doesn’t wipe me down with her industrial-strength cleaner. Eau de Industrial Cleaner is not how we roll at AlaraApothecary. Then there’s Bob who has been messing with my head with his impossible trick of rotating your hands towards yourself in opposite directions simultaneously. Thanks Bob – that’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back! Carol is Sandalwood with Orange Blossom, and Bob is Cedarwood with Peppermint.

And the model with her hair on fire? That’s a tribute to Carol after her last bright-orange hairdressing malfunction. I’m laughing with you, not at you, honest! Please take photos next time 🙂 Y’all have a terrific week now.




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