Grace & Favour


Another day of EU directives, toxicological reports and Pantone colours. The glamour of the skincare business just never stops. In one of the few minutes I managed to snatch, just to rest my poor brain from all this fluff ( heavy sarcasm), I was reading about a woman who hand-makes trugs and furniture from steamed and bent wood. Her work looks amazing , with form matching function. Her profile made it seem so effortless but now I have an insight into the ridiculous amount of work she must have done before it all took off. It caused me to look back on my own progress and years of work (picture wading through molasses while wearing waders and blinkers). That led to thinking about all the companies I’ve liaised with in starting this business. I was amazed when it occurred to me that most people are actually really helpful and encouraging. Even when it’s a huge corporation which is more at home dealing with multinational skin companies, their staff are usually really nice rather than not. I have to say it brought a tear to my hardhearted eye. It also makes me look at other people’s work and achievements with a new eye. Maximum respect to all the artisans out there who build their businesses from scratch, living on a prayer. I count myself lucky of course; I rely mostly on divine inspiration and God’s help in putting the right people in my path and taking the wrong ones out of it. So, uber-maximum respect to the Almighty. You rock!

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