Guernsey Pastoral

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I am a town mouse, no doubt about it. If I don’t have 10 million people around me, I start wondering if rapture has come and left me behind. Even London can feel too quiet: Manhattan, now you’re talking. Lagos, even better. There are some places which make me extremely appreciative of the quieter life, and Guernsey is one of them. All the images from this post are of places I’ve passed as I’ve ambled to work in the morning. Beauteous, non?

Obviously that does not include the picture of the fabulous repast. Although, come to think of it, if there were stands with amazing food on every corner, Guernsey would be paradise 🙂 …………

No, the food is the handiwork of Mona the Masterchef, and jolly good it was too. So, big shout going out to the Guernsias. By the way, Bob took my previous joke and came back with its excellent riposte:

Q: What do you call a man with a spade on his head?                              A: Doug

Q: What do you call a man without a spade in his head?                      A: Douglas

Just a few things the Guernsey crew need to be aware of:

  • Carol, please do not let me have to carry out the threat to electrify your new sofa. GET UP!!!, and please tell Allie she can’t escape the madness just by being the voice of reason. The rhythm’s gonna get her too in the end. It’s like a Zombie apocalypse
  • Mona, kielbasa is NOT a food group. Neither is tequila. Monika please stop encouraging her
  • Denni, one unit of alcohol is never, ever, measured in gallons. Sorry to break your heart, but it’s true
  • Maxine, sooner or later, I’m going to catch your clone in the act, or at least find your teleportation device. It’s only a matter of time
  • I can’t go away without thanking Miss Darling for her cat picture, a veritable masterpiece;  and of course a rendition of my chant: Kayleigh, Kayleigh, Kayleigh

I leave you with a joke worthy of the Bobmeister himself:

Q: Why did the Mexican push his wife off a cliff?                                  A : Tequila

Apologies to all Mexicans everywhere. Please do not write in.


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