Happy New Year

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Well, 2015 was a humdinger of a year, wasn’t it? You know how at the end of a year your main thought is, ‘Thank God I don’t have to live through that again…..’ The year was an eye-opener to so many things I would never have believed to be possible, but then again, a lot of really excellent stuff like AlaraApothecary happened so I’m really grateful for them. Swings and roundabouts. It is much better so see things as they really are, no matter how disconcerting the picture is. 2015- year of emancipation. 2016- year of pure awesomeness. Courage is not the absence of fear; it’s feeling the fear but doing what needs to be done anyway.

In the spirit of celebration, I’m showing pictures of some of the lovely things that reinforced why I think a creative career is so worth pursuing. Just seeing this stuff cheers me up; knowing there are minds out there thinking up this gorgeousness. Not as useful as a cure for cancer or malaria I know, but then few things are. Hope they make your day a bit brighter too. So that this isn’t entirely given over to frivolity, I leave you with words of wisdom from the late, great, Nelson Mandela:

Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done’

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

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