In my heart, it’s spring

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Apologies to my dear readers for dropping out of sight for a while. I have been busy juggling invoices and chasing up payments. Apparently, the concept of paying people after they have supplied you with goods or services is one that is alien to some companies, as any SME owner can attest. I actually stopped chasing up one particular payment because I was feeling myself losing neurones by the minute; if a discussion begins to make you wonder if you are insane, take my advice- walk away. Don’t even get me started on the Kafkaesque discussion with my bank- that was another level of crazy altogether. The problem with all this is that of course it trickles down the chain so you then have to make your suppliers wait for payment. And on and on, down a Dantesque spiral into hell.

However, I was immensely cheered up as the whole farrago of nonsense reminded me of a favourite Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh (no, not that Walter Raleigh: The Glaswegian academic) poem:

I wish I loved the Human Race;
I wish I loved its silly face;
I wish I liked the way it walks;
I wish I liked the way it talks;
And when I’m introduced to one,
I wish I thought “What Jolly Fun!”

That’s a picture of good ole Walter up there, full of the joys of spring. Even that picture alone is enough to make me smile. He’s said to have composed the poem after a garden party. I know just how he felt – who hasn’t visited that particular circle of hell? (There goes my social life….) Even better still, my awesome niece Arix brought me back some Goldfish crackers (Cheddar flavour!) and peach liquorice from sunny Texas. What a gal- a good deed in a dark world, fo’ reals. In that spirit, I have included pictures of some eye-achingly beautiful interiors and things which ought to brighten your day. That Lindsey Adelman pendant is boss- am I right or am I right? Meanwhile, Illegitimi non carborundum, as the Romans most emphatically did not say. Have a terrific day.






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