January Oranges

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According to ‘experts’, i.e some pseudo-psychologist who has made it all up, unbacked by any scientific data or research whatsoever, the second week in January is the most depressing week of the year. We at AlaraApothecary say ‘Yah boo sucks!’ to the second week in January. As far as we are concerned, it’s the second week in January and the British mind turns to summer holidays; hence the lovely images in today’s post.We laugh in the face of sub-zero temperatures and gale force winds, muttering the well-rehearsed names under our breath’ Maldives, Mauritius, Tanzania, Nairobi, Miami, Lagos, Galle……’

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I know that you lovely people out there will not forget those who cannot afford summer holidays and are really just hoping their next meal will come along. The ineptitude and downright wickedness which has resulted in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq is staggering. Never mind the second week in January, every week is a nightmare in some places. We are not depressed because we are warm and well-fed and comfortably housed. I am firm in my belief that everyone who reads this will try to help in whatever little way they can, because that’s how we roll at AlaraApothecary, and God bless you all for it. Rather than the January Blues, I wish you the January Oranges because as any fule kno, orange is the colour of joy. Pip pip.

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