Jersey Royale

Route to La Corbière

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Harbour at St. Aubin

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View from my hotel room


I’ve been working in Jersey over the last week and finally got a chance to do some exploring this weekend. Contrary to a friend’s accusation, I have not come here to spend some quality time with my money, more’s the pity 🙂

Excellent things I’ve enjoyed about Jersey thus far:

  • Green-thumbed Kathy and her giant policeman-hating wolf which she insists is a harmless German Shepherd. I sincerely believe the ‘plants’ in Kathy’s well-guarded ‘fruit cage’ need to be further investigated…….
  • Lateral-thinker extraordinaire Karren whose hobby is driving psychologists crazy. When asked whether she would consider a glass of water to be half-full or half-empty, she replied that it depended on whether you started with an empty glass and added water to it, in which case it was obviously half-full. However, if you started with a full glass and emptied out half the contents, then obviously, the glass is half-empty. Seemples. The psychologist is now in a padded cell and has acquired his own psychiatric team. I have informed Karren that attempting to explain this concept to poor bystanders over and over again absolutely does not help
  • The walk from St. Aubin to Corbière, meeting lots of friendly fellow-ramblers. Watching a disorderly group of dogs creating havoc, racing each other and running around, absolutely demented with joy at meeting one another
  • Watching the present humans greeting each other with civilised nods and smiles whilst not at all running around, demented with joy at meeting one another. I bet we were all wishing we could though…
  • The riotous birdsong. Birds are a VGT (very good thing). A parliament of owls, an ostentation of peacocks, a conspiracy of ravens, a mob of emus, and my personal favourite, an exaltation of larks
  • I just made up a new one that is long overdue: a mugging of seagulls

Hope you all have a terrific week.

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