Joie de Vivre

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I met a friend earlier today as I was walking through my local park and she had her son with her. Or rather, her son was one mile ahead of her trundling happily along, pushing his trike. Looking at him and the other children in the park, I was astonished to see how wonderful their skin looked. You know how you know  that young children have amazing skin on some level, but you don’t really tend to notice it. Once in a while it really strikes you though- beautiful, clear skin and eyes; it’s wonderful to behold. And of course I thought to myself – ‘If you could formulate a lotion to replicate that, oh my’ (Yes, I am working on it–patience!)

Then I started thinking about how happy all those children were, despite the miserable, rainy, overcast day. And I started wondering about when we lose that capacity for joy. I’m all about the joy, even my name is all about the joy (Thanks,Mater. Excellent choice 🙂 ) I started thinking about my nephew who will never walk if he can skip, and will never skip if he can run, and how he will then pass out at night and sleep the soundest sleep ever. I remember how I would never walk down stairs as a child but would always jump from landing to landing, and of course slide down bannisters where possible. It’s a miracle I survived without breaking any bones. Another thing that makes me marvel is how children can be happy anywhere. No matter how poor or affluent their surroundings, as long as they are left alone to mess around, they’ll be happy. It’s incredible.

I encourage you all to embrace your inner child at least once this week. Splash in a puddle, have a twirl in the street even if people are looking, do a little shimmy as you wait at the bus stop. And if you can’t afford one of our creams this week, buy a child an ice-cream and we’ll be just as happy at AlaraApothecary. No, it doesn’t matter that it’s getting colder. In fact, have an ice-cream yourself.

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