Keep on keeping on……

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Well, the last couple of weeks can only be described as hellish. First of all, a huge apology to all you wonderful people who have been trying to place orders where payments are not going through. Please bear with us, the issue is being urgently looked at, believe me. After all, it’s only Valentine’s Day week– not at all significant for a company selling luxury skincare (sob). So apart from computer gremlins etc etc, what else has gone wrong? If I told you that my boiler stopped working last Friday and that I had no heating or hot water for 5 days until it could be replaced yesterday, you’d probably think, “Yep, that sounds pretty grim”. Now, if I told you that doesn’t even make it into the top 5 worst things that happened over the last fortnight, that ought to give you an idea about why I used the term ‘hellish’.

However, there’s always light in the darkness. For instance, the temperature of the room I’m in at the moment is approximately 50 °C. Over-compensation, you say? Seriously, I haven’t been that cold since I was in school. Wrong on so many levels. Secondly, I had the pleasure of having the time to catch up with the newspapers and magazines. They’re all full of lurid pink stuff for the laydeez for Valentine’s Day. It made me laugh like a drain. I mean, what are we, 8-year old girls? For any admirers who are stumped, (note to friends and family, my admirers are innumerable, thank you 🙂 ) I would very much like a VW Touareg or one of the new Nissan Qashqais. In red or black please- see how flexible I am, not at all high-maintenance. A toy version would be acceptable as long as it’s not pink, and I do ordinarily like pink but there are limits. So, to all the female journalists peddling this nonsense at the moment, the sisterhood has awarded you a loud, pink raspberry. Your sentence has been commuted because it was actually quite funny seeing pages of the wretched pink items. Our images today are of the stuff that’s cheered me up this week, none of them calamine-lotion coloured. Hope you are all warm and safe wherever you are.

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