
Do you ever have days when the Universe does not feel impersonal? When it actually feels like it’s a sentient being who’s having a laugh at your expense? Oh, you have entire weeks which feel like that? I totally sympathise. I have to admit that there is no shortage of friends and family who would line up to attest to my occasional estrangement from reality, but sometimes they are really out to get you. My nutso computer is seriously messing with my head at the moment. It resizes my pictures of its own accord, loads images that are not even in the media library onto the website and I’m beginning to feel as though I am in one of those mind-control experiments I’m so fond of talking about.

I have decided to adopt the only option that does not involve a hammer and a lot of shattered glass — fix what I can and then walk away. This explains the picture of the lovely chandelier from the market in Grand Central Station currently serving as our shop page image. That is because I’ve spent two days trying to upload the images of our new swanky bespoke bags and grosgrain ribbon and have now lost the will to live. If you are in a similar ninth circle of hell, take my advice and walk away. It’s not worf it (please insert cockney accent). Instead, I am going to show you pictures of some of the loveliest and most interesting new products from Decorex 2015.

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(products: Curiosa & Curiosa; Moritz Waldemeyer; Marcin Rusak; Katharine Morling;Enemark and Thompson)

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