So, it’s all been happening at AlaraApothecary. Where have you been Alara, you haven’t posted for a whole week, a desperate nation asks (OK, 2 people, but it’s the thought that counts 🙂 Why the pictures of rainbows and puppies? Well, I got a last-minute chance to exhibit at the Country Living Christmas Fair in Harrogate, and I’ve been running around like a headless chicken since. If I tell you that I only signed the contract last Thursday, and that I’ve been working full-time, including last Saturday, you’ll have an idea of what’s going on. Oh my giddy aunt, my exhaustion is exhausted. On the plus side, my house smells divine and there are a gazillion boxes of beautiful, shiny products all around me. That’s why there are puppies rather than pictures of Dante’s ninth circle of hell which might be more apposite. Actually, waves aren’t very restful but I love the Sea and it’s my blog, so there 🙂 This is a picture of how I actually feel at the moment:
There you have it; we will be in Harrogate from this Thursday to Sunday. Find us opposite the Champagne bar (no comment…..) near the Country Living Magazine stand. Hall B, Stand N7, that’s where we’ll be, God willing. Come over to say hello and buy something!!! (from us) These fairs don’t come cheap 🙂 We are giving away 15 pairs of free tickets to the exhibition. Just mail us at and if we’ve still got ’em, you can have a set.
Obvs, I can’t leave you without a funny story of the week. My fave is that of the hitman who was collared after his wrist fitness app located him near two murders. Now, at the risk of offending a hitman which is never a good idea, what was he thinking??? You might as well leave breadcrumbs Hansel & Gretel style. Tech, it’ll get you every time. So remember boys and girls, if you’re planning a heinous crime, leave the Fitbit at home. AlaraApothecary: we keep you out of prison. See you on the other side.