Oyez, Oyez, Winners Alert

Skincare of Champions
Nearly there……

Dear readers, longest time. And where have I been? Having adventures? Hmm, of a sort. First of all, congratulations to Marita, Rosie and Gilly, winners of the Beauty Bible fab prezzies you see above. Hope you love the products as much as we do; I look forward to your orders for weddings, bar mitzvahs, graduations etc etc 🙂 Commiserations to those who did not get picked – we had a bumper 8400 entries. Yep, you read that right, 8400. So, I hope you will forgive us for not picking everybody. On the plus side, The Beauty Bible is always choc-a-bloc with chances to win some fabulous goodies, I’ve been known to enter a prize draw or two myself. Make sure that you subscribe to their site – it’s the must-read for all things beauty. I will be letting all the entrants know the next time we run a prize draw ourselves so you may yet win something…..

So, where have I been? Well, a fortnight ago I went to a birthday party. Coming home, bang, a car accident. My second in 20-odd years of driving. Unbelievable. Thankfully no one was hurt and as the other car hit me and slid past, all my car had was a tiny ding on the bumper and a smear of his paintwork. Insurance exchange, no cuts, no bruises. Drove home. Driving to work on Monday morning, car starts jumping about after 10 minutes. What the helling hell??? Pull over, no lights on the dashboard, no indication of the problem. Managed to get it to the mechanic on a wing and a prayer. When I didn’t hear from them by 3pm, I knew it was bad news. Automatic gear box gone, not fixable, replacement 2K + labour. So, car totalled, needs scrapping. Time for some enjoyable bus journeys to work– not. I’d been praying for a new car for ages anyway so I received this as the gift from God that it was. By Wednesday, I’d had to shell out for a new car. However, when life gives you lemons, you gotta make lemonade so I got the SUV I’d been aching to buy all along. I salved my eco-conscience when I realised its emissions level was way lower than my previous jalopy. What with this year’s unfunny cancer scare and car accidents, you gotta hope for the best and plan for the worst so I went right ahead and got the car. It’s a beaut, love at first sight and it’s black which is the only real colour worth having except for red which is only allowed if it’s a Ferrari. Yes, I love all your trendy colours (except grey which makes me suicidal), I just don’t want them for myself, thankee kindly.

So, car on Wednesday, awesome. Come Sunday, after a phonecall lamenting to my sister about the accident debacle, walk into the kichen to find the washing machine flooding. Would you Adam and Eve it. Water, water, everywhere; kitchen, hallway carpet, you name it. Mop, mop, towel on carpet, excellent musty smell. I could have cried. Not sure if machine totalled or can be fixed yet. Hoping for the best, planning for the worst. It’s all put the kybosh on a wedding I was due to attend in Canada next month but there you have it. While you have your health, you’re still winning on points as far as I’m concerned. Of course if you all chipped in and placed orders RIGHT NOW, I could go to my wedding. Just sayin’ s’all ………. 🙂 In the midst of all this madness, I have had a terrific week, and I’ve been told a couple of excellent stories which have had me doubled-up with laughter. Unfortunately, I certainly cannot repeat them here. What I can give you is one of the funniest sketches I’ve ever watched. It’s an old Pete & Dud one. How much do I love Peter Cook? Let me count the ways…. Have a wonderful, chaos-free week.


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