Pennies From Heaven

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It never rains but it pours. After a few months of dealing with human perfidy, possessed machinery and what I can only describe as a state of entropy, this week did not hold much promise. Having dragged myself to church on Sunday evening despite feeling like death warmed-up all weekend, I was rather childishly pleased to be given some sweet daffodils after the service.

But here comes Monday with more palaver, the daffs totally forgotten. Then yesterday, out of the blue, one of the customers comes marching through the shop to the back where I was relating my latest conspiracy theory about the war in Syria to my resigned colleagues instead of working, and handed me a bunch of flowers, saying ‘These are for you’. I was absolutely gobsmacked, barely managing to say’ Thank you’. I didn’t have a clue who this guy was, never seen him before. It was absolutely wonderful, totally made my day.

Funny thing was, I then spent the next hour obsessing about it. Who was he, why did he get me the flowers, had he seen me somewhere else before etc etc, ad infinitum. I’m an inveterate puzzler, everything has to make sense or it drives me crazy-hence my love for science. My colleagues of course found this funny and told me to get a grip. In the end, Waleed said ‘God sent him to give you flowers. Accept it, and deal with it’. That amazed me because he’s not a guy given to whimsy ordinarily. I have decided to absolutely look at it in that light; flowers from God, twice in one week. What could be better than that? Nothing, that’s what. Thanks, Papacita 😉

Finally, breaking news to brighten your day. A spokesman from TFL has urged us all to avoid using Victoria Station during the rush hour because of overcrowding. Apparently, if we all take care to avoid the station between 8am and 9am, that would make our journeys ‘more convenient and faster‘. Of course we would all get fired for arriving at work one hour late every day, but I think we can all agree that is a small price to pay if it makes life easier for the management at our beloved TFL. What a great idea! But why stop  there? If all passengers would buy an annual oyster card but stay off the tube completely, life would be so much easier for TFL and there would be bumper bonuses all round. The trains would be cleaner and faster, they wouldn’t even have to make any stops at all. That spokesman didn’t go far enough, really he missed a trick there. In addition, if all sick people could please remember to stay away from their GPs and hospitals, the NHS would be revitalised in no time at all. To quote Asterix who is a philosopher on par with Aristotle, ‘Idiotix’. Have a fab and groovy day.

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