Purple Prose


Search for Enlightenment by Simon Gudgeon. Bronze, limited edition of 5. 2.2 metres high


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This blog is not much given to dealing with the latest micro-trend or celeb-worship but Prince was special. I saw him in concert three times and he was always superfantabuloustic. That wonderful mix of musical virtuosity, craziness, and sheer, raw talent does not occur all that often, as even the most cursory examination of the current music chart will show. It was just incredible to see someone making the most of his gifts with such verve and style. I overheard a conversation at the hotel today, where one guest was telling another that Prince had died. When he was asked ‘which prince?,’ he replied ‘the musician’. I thought to myself, ‘Yep, that’s right; not the popstar or singer or music mogul. A musician – the real deal’. That’s exactly what he was, and his riffs are still being referenced in young artistes’ work today.

So, we are having a purple day in honour of the Purple One today. To all my fellow Prince fans who attended the concerts and listened to the music with me, the music lives on. I know Roya, Folabi and Reema will be as saddened as I am even though we didn’t personally know the man. So, farewell Prince. May flights of angels guide you to your rest, as I hope they will do for me when I skedaddle and leave these shores behind. I hope I can leave behind a legacy of having done at least one thing as well as he made music. Redeem the time, because the days are evil. I wish you all a weekend filled with beauty and laughter and joy.

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