The Wheels On The Bus……

The wheels on the bus fall off, off, off……. Hasn’t it been an interesting couple of weeks in Clown World. Here we are, knee deep in the super-mutant, super-infectious Moronic variant (oh, that spellcheck 🙂 ), and the deaths have gone up by 400% (tabloid-speak) in just two weeks, to 7 people. All I can say is, Omigosh, the sky is falling, the sky is falling.
Not to belittle the loss to the friends and families of the deceased, I lost my father this year too so believe me, I know. But can I just say that in the UK in that same week, an average of 3,200 people died from cancer, another 3,200 died from heart disease. From the latest data on The Office of National Statistic website:
In the week ending 3 December 2021 (Week 48), 11,659 deaths were registered in England and Wales.
Kinda puts it in perspective a bit, doesn’t it? The families of those 11,659 people will be just as devastated, I’m sure. Meanwhile on the other side of town, the scientists at Imperial College led by Neil Ferguson say that if we don’t all hold our breaths and stay indoors immediately, and for the forseeable future, there could be 400,000 cases a day by the end of December, and 5000 deaths per day in the UK. Ye gods and little fishes. Where’s my trusty calculator: 65 million / 400,000 = 163 approx. We will all have had it by May and the 3 surviving citizens of the UK will inherit the country. Preposterous. BTW, as far as I can see, the only Omicron with/of deaths are in the UK, but events may have overtaken me since I read the papers this morning.
It all brings back the dreadful winter of 2018. Remember when we all locked down, huddling in our unheated homes as the bodies piled up in the morgues, never knowing if we would survive till the morning due to the deadly virus doing the rounds? Yes, me neither. This is the headline from February 27th 2018:
Killer flu outbreak is to blame for a 42% spike in deaths in January after 64,000 people died – the highest number since records began
- Government data shows 64,157 people died in January – the highest since 2006
- It is only the second time the toll has breached the 60,000 mark, figures reveal
- ‘Circulating influenza’ was blamed, released by the Office for National Statistics
By Stephen Matthews For Mailonline
Published: 15:16, 27 February 2018 | Updated: 16:36, 27 February 2018
What an absolute shower. The wretched media are ‘hoping that SAGE will give us back Christmas.’ Give us back Christmas!!! Who do they think they are? The nativity of the Living God and Creator of the whole Earth and these muppets who can’t guarantee that they will inhale after they exhale really believe such things are in their remit. Who are these uncircumcised philistines to defy the armies of the living God, to quote my boy David. I want to see them try and ‘cancel’ Christmas, maladjusted, miserable, joykillers that they are.
I’m going to attend even more church services this year so that I can show – not your planet, you don’t get to make the rules for humanity. And if the equally useless churches close their doors – Durham Cathedral, you’re on my list, you God-denying heathens – well, the Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit and little old me will have a lock-in and I’ll sing a gazillion worship songs and carols. I know most of you probably aren’t Christians, but no matter. Just whatever you do, don’t let faceless bureaucrats and behavioural scientists take away your joy. We gotta fight, for our right, to parteeee. So, go ahead and party like it’s 2019, or even as if you’re a Downing Street staffer…… 🙂 I’m sure you’re not idiots – if you’re sick, stay away from everyone else. You know, just like in the olden days before The Science.
In our bid to send peace, joy and goodwill to all peeps, we would like to wish you all a very Merry, healthy and fun-filled Christmas. And as this is AlaraApothecary and this is how we roll, we are sending each and every person who patronised us in 2021 a free gift. It will be winging its way to you straight after the New Year once the postal chaos is over. Thank you very much for your custom, for reading our rants, for your good wishes and may the joy and peace and blessing found in our reason for the season, Jesus Christ Himself, be with you this Christmas and in the coming year. Merry Christmas xxx
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