What a week!

xmas beardtumblr_nsk3pyLyBf1teesjko1_500(photo:Splemderosa)392135-Wildwood_Lamps_Butterfly

The title ‘what a week’ would make most Londoners think of the tube strike but believe it or not, the two days of the tube strike were the calmest days of my week. ‘How can that be?’, I hear you ask. You obviously do not live on Planet Alara. To describe this week as a truly bizarro one from beginning to end is an understatement. Having a bad week when every nutter in the city makes a beeline for you to have a pop is not odd in itself. We all have those. What made this one really odd is that every single time I had a bad experience, something really amazingly wonderful happened within the next hour. It was like living in my own personal rollercoaster. To all you wonderful, life-affirming peeps who made this a fab and groovy week, ta most awfully. In the spirit of keeping London weird, I see that Selfridges is already gearing up for Christmas. I have therefore decided to share the featured hipster with you, along with random photos that I like. Soon all the holidays will roll into one New year- Easter-Bank holiday-Christmas binge-fest that runs for 7 random days which leave a comatose nation behind. Have a lovely Boxing Day.

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