Wisdom vs Knowledge

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It has been ages since I’ve had the time to post – how have you all been surviving??? No need to despair, I’m back. Quit that sniggering at the back. I’m on holiday. The nicest phrase in the English language, bar none. I was hoping to go away, but the best laid plans of mice and men….

I was hoping to go to Miami but that did not pan out. I decided that it was probably not a good idea anyway- it’s my birthday on Wednesday when the results of the election will be released. I’m not sure that my sense of humour and gun-toting, angry Americans are a good mix. Talk about your lose-lose election. I was in the US when the Oklahoma bombing occurred, I was there on 9/11. I think I’ll sit this one out. November 9 is a day of change and general mayhem anyway, as befits the day on which one of my gargantuan ego graced the world with her arrival. Tin hats on, that’s my advice.

Today, I’m featuring the work of  couple of artists who caught my eye lately. The watercolours are by Angela Hewitt who is based on the Isle of Wight. I like her line very much. She also makes cards and accessories etc. Check her out. Emma West makes the most beautiful porcelain and ceramic tiles in Cornwall. I particularly like the ones made with impressions of wildflowers. Really nice work. If you’re renovating your bathroom or kitchen, have a look at her work.

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On a lighter note, I see that there is an exhibition showing Tracey Emin and William Blake’s work side by side. How I laughed. That’s just cruelty, that is. At least it wasn’t Tracey Emin and Guido Reni.

Blake, William; Our Lady with the Infant Jesus Riding on a Lamb with Saint John; Paintings Collection; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/our-lady-with-the-infant-jesus-riding-on-a-lamb-with-saint-john-30607


Well, it all adds to the gaiety of the nations. Art is in the eye of the beholder. I know many people who would rather have the Emin than the Reni, so what do I know? Different strokes and all that.

In the spirit of getting older if not wiser, I share with you one of my favourite sayings- Knowledge is knowing that the tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable; Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. Toodle pip.


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