Wonder, Wonder, Wonder, Wonder….

So, I’ve been having root canal on my one and only filling. My dentist got so excited by the fact that I have only one filling that I became rather worried….. but that’s a story for another day 🙂 Anyhoo, it has been fascinating. I love everything about it, from the snazzy dental instruments that would come in  handy if I ever had to torture someone, to the X-Rays. I want, no, need, an ultrasonic descaler. My dentist assures me that I can buy a portable one. It would seem that we both have issues. The X-Rays are my absolute favourite; I don’t care about the radiation, I love them. Ideally I would like a CT scan AND an MRI scan, but the partypooper dentist insists they are not in  her remit. Boo! Hiss!! This kind of stuff is why I studied science in the first place. You have no idea how incredible the human body is, and as for plants, they totally blow my mind.

I was reading about DNA this week, and the author says that DNA strands sparkle like a string of diamonds when viewed under an electron telescope. Obvs, I need to see that for myself at least once before I pop my clogs. I don’t understand how it is possible to look at the world and not see a Creator, in the same way that an atheist cannot understand how I can possibly believe in a creator. But, I’m a designer, I see design everywhere, and I know how difficult creativity can be to harness. To believe it’s all down to chance and good luck? Let’s just say that you’ve obviously never tried to design anything from scratch! The sheer extravagant exuberance of the world makes my head spin. 300,000 species of beetles alone. Why? Why not! After the first 100, God basically just started showing off 🙂

The amazing images above are all bona fide microscopic images of : skin cells stained for DNA; synaptic transmission of impulses in brain cells; chromosomes (we have 23 pairs of these in every single cell in our bodies except for the reproductive cells. There are approximately 37.2 trillion cells in each human body. I love that .2 37,200,000,000,000) ; the transport system in every plant; that beautiful DNA strand.

Now, is that mental, or what? All this stuff is around us and we can’t see any of it with the naked eye. Plus, there is a quantum level that we can barely detect yet, even with our best technology so God only knows what’s going on there. I am in absolute awe when I think of how wonderfully made we all are. Now, if I could only remember that when someone cuts me up in traffic, I would be a much better person….. Have a week filled with wonder and awe, as opposed to shock and awe. Pip pip, my fellow glorious creatures.



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