Independence Day

Wasn’t that an insane fortnight in CovidLand, even by the bonkers standards of the last 7 months. 10pm curfews (I won’t bother, I’m sure you’ve heard all the jokes and seen all the memes), 50,000 cases a day by October (guffaw!), wear a mask or hand over your firstborn child to the council (I might have made that last one up. So like the government 🙂 ) The satire is pretty much writing itself at this point. So, today is Independence Day in Nigeria and by proxy, I am extending that independence to the whole world. By the powers invested in me, I declare this planet open. Covid-narrative begone, it’s all so 2019 and we are all bored now. Freedom is the new black. The Old Normal but with kinder and wiser people, welcome back, we’ve missed you. Who knew how awesome you were? It’s been a veritable eye-opener.

It was surreal in London at the weekend because on the one hand you had protesters in Trafalgar Square (and no, we absolutely do not consent to having our civil liberties taken away. Independence day, baby) but as usual, you could almost entirely forget about Covid unless you walked into a store and saw the masks, or saw the bus go past with masked passengers. Oh, and not forgetting how the wonderful mayor is closing all the side roads and funneling cars through high streets, causing massive traffic jams. Muppet. Plus the highways agency closing the M4 between junction 7 & 8, funneling us through Maidenhead and Slough, and adding an hour to my journey. Presumably, they were busily putting up more of the downright sinister-looking stormtrooper-style cameras that are sprouting up on the motorways in England. Mind you, it gave me plenty of time to think of Theresa May seeing as I was in her constituency, so the time wasn’t entirely wasted 🙂 Theresa, if you felt an icicle on the back of your neck, that would be the 10000 motorists scowling as they inch through Maidenhead 🙂 Anyhoo, my fave meme of the week?:

Having declared independence for y’all (thank me later. All gratuities thankfully received), I can’t finish without an honourable mention and vote of thanks to the 2 main guys at the forefront. Donald Trump and Boris Johnson. Really, stay with me, this is going somewhere. These 2 lunatics have been the wildcards of the Covid nonsense and we may well owe our lives to them. Have you lost your mind, you say? Ok, proof. Boris Johnson is without a doubt of one the worst liars I have ever seen. He made every announcement with such a blatant air of disbelief and total lack of conviction that even the worst sufferer of cognitive dissonance had cause to doubt him. I am sure he is as deceitful as any of us but he’s pretty useless at politics since he clearly hates lying, his body language just leaks embarassment. It would be why he always gets caught when he cheats; he can’t lie with conviction. I suspect that he also hates seeing people suffer but is not tough enough to face up to hardened psychopaths. Every time he held a conference about how lethal Covid was, I felt safer and safer 🙂 As for The Donald, where do I even begin? His press calls were a treat. He obvs loathes Fauci, disbelieved Birx, and would have been sharing a platform with David Icke if he wasn’t POTUS. They are the only two leaders who clearly weren’t for a lockdown and it made critical-thinkers wonder why. The added fact that they’re both blonde and bonkers only added to the fun.

Apropos nothing, a friend sent me a message today pointing out that the 1st day of the 10th month is when the waters receded enough for Noah to spot the land that the Ark rested on, i.e the mountain tops. Genesis 8:5, ‘And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.‘ I like that. Today we see the post-Covid land, and beautiful it is too. I hope that I am wiser and kinder. It’s been interesting to see the reaction of the depopulation squad who are always telling us that there are too many people. Turns out that the brave new world would regard them as well as us as surplus to requirements. Who’da thunk? The parameters for the ‘perfect human’ are very narrow indeed, thank God we don’t have to meet it! As I always say, Earth is lovely but without people, it’s just a piece of rock. So, hurrah Emma Lazarus,

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Today’s poor hungry person is tomorrow’s Nikola Tesla, Charles Wesley, or W.A Mozart, and the world is a better place because we are all in it. Hopefully we won’t have to raze London to the ground to get our freedoms back but I can tell the Met, Londoners are in a nasty mood with a gleam in their eyes. They are thinking, 32,000 policemen and women to 8 million inhabitants, hmm, we’ll take those odds…. However, some of my best friends are coppers so I don’t want to see them get mashed up. I leave you with the message below just in case it all kicks off anyway. Have a great week.

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